Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some commonly asked questions which Heike receives. To get more information about the Art of Homeopathy it is best to access the free online introductory course on homeopathy.

What is the difference between classical homeopathy and generic homeopathy?

A classical homeopath is highly trained in the art and philosophy of this time-honoured modality, something that takes years of education and frequent application to master. 

Unlike other homeopathy that is superficial in application, targeting a symptom and not the whole person, and results are generally temporary and suppressive.

What is the difference between a Classical Homeopath and a Naturopath?

Naturopaths, depending on their training, often assist people with herbal medicines, supplements and sometimes, homeopathic remedies. Often using all three modalities at the same time.
A classical homeopath, on the other hand, specialises in homeopathy. A homeopath has been trained in depth in homeopathic philosophy, homeopathic substances, medical science chemistry and biochemistry. Remedies are given one at a time to allow the body to respond and to evaluate the course of the treatment. This is vital to provide a safe, side-effect free treatment.

Can homeopathy help in acute or emergency situations?

It is important to always check with your health care provider. Most emergency situations can only be treated in a hospital setting.
Once the emergency situation has been checked, homeopathic remedies can assist in post crises healing. It can be used for post-operative cases, sport injuries, concussion and much more…
In acute situations homeopathy has been used as a first line treatment. If the knowledge of the prescriber is sufficient, and the correct homeopathic remedy chosen, results can be noticed quite dramatically. In order to use this modality safely and correctly knowledge is of the essence. This is why Heike is compling easy to understand online courses on the subject.

Examples of acute situations include colds and flu’s, fastric upsets, insect stings and bites just to name a few…

What does holistic treatment mean?

Holistic is “all including”. When treating a person holistically it means taking into considerations the whole person’s mental, emotional and physical symptoms. That is where homeopathy truly shines and is quite unique.

For example: A past patient Marie had a severe car accident 4 years ago. Her body healed from the injuries, apart from when the weather changed her back played up. She spent most of the days in cold, wet weather in bed- nursing her aching back. Since the accident she was not able to drive without anxiety. Once the correct homeopathic substance had been selected, she reported a 90% decrease of backaches and her fear of driving disappeared almost completely.

Can I expect to be cured?

Homeopathy is limited in situations where tissue destruction has occurred. If your symptoms are functional, like abnormal heat beats for instance, and you’ve had your heart checked and all was fine, a homeopath might be able to help.

How many visits will my treatment take?

This depends on many factors. Genetics plays a big role. Another important factor is your engagement with the practitioner. A homeopath can only prescribe efficiently if you can answer the questions as detailed as possible.
As a general rule for every year, you’ve had the condition, a month of treatment is needed. Appointments are spaced 2-4 weeks apart.

What should I prepare to bring to an appointment?

Please bring as much information as is necssary to tell your history. Please bring pathology reports, prescription medication and any supplements if applicable.

Is homeopathy a placebo effect?

Homeopathic remedies are prepared in a specific way which means that substance that was present at the start is undetectable upon completion, and has been falsely dismissed for hundreds of years as being a “placebo”. Meaning those who were prescribed the specific remedy and got better, cured in fact, was put down to all be in the mind. Even when the patients had persisted with orthodox methods for extened periods.

In recent years, scientist across the world have concluded through their extensive research that homeopathy is NOT a placebo, that in fact it works! – WATCH

Do you treat children?

Yes, I do and have done for many years. Please schedule a 10 minute free phone consultation if this is an area of concern.