Alleviate Your Dog’s Arthritis

Help alleviate your dog's arthritis

Does the cold and wet weather give your dog arthritis?

Seeing your dog struggling to get up and moving because of arthritis is absolutely heart-wrenching. Unfortunately, this painful condition increases as your dog gets older. I would like to share with you an age-old Indian remedy I found in one of my old homeopathic books that could help alleviate arthritis in your dog.

If you catch the onset of arthritis early, the following preparation could prove very helpful, you’ll never want to be without it.

How to prepare an arthritis rub for your dog

Mix one heaped teaspoon of ground cloves in 10 tablespoons of mustard oil, bring to the boil, then let it cool. In the evenings, massage this prepared balm into the affected, arthritic area on your dog.

If the arthritis has been going on for a while or you have a large dog, this rub might not be enough and a deeper treatment may be needed.

Homeopathy for arthritis

Consider trying homeopathy for a side effect free option unlike generic medicines.

Take note of your dogs habits, observing what they do and when, such as when they are in the most pain, their eating habits, their bowel movements and colour etc., this is valuable information that is used by a classical homeopath to determine what to prescribe. for your dog’s discomfort. All treatments are individualised, there is no one-size-fits-all remedy for arthritis, or any discomfort, disorder, disease.

Once the right homeopathic is selected, you will be able to use it over and over again, saving a lot of money on conventional treatments.

I’m only a text or a phone call away. Please take advantage of my free 10 minute pre-consultation where I can answer your questions and we can book a time for a phone, online or in-person consultation.

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